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近日,我院欧阳利锋教授在香港中文大学文学期刊Renditions(《译丛》)上发表译文《About Vagabonds》。译文原文是我国著名散文家梁遇春的散文《谈流浪汉》,古今中外多有涉猎,共一万多字。

《译丛》,创刊于1973年,香港中文大学主办,致力于译介中国古代的现当代文学,译者基本为外国人,是国际上久负盛名的中国文学翻译杂志。《谈流浪汉》原作词藻华美,想象丰富,古今中外,涉猎极广,这对译者提出了极高的要求。欧阳利锋六易其稿,并请加拿大作家Douglas Roy斧正润色。在编辑部,《译丛》三位编辑参与改稿,其难度可见一斑。他始终坚持直译为主意译为辅、先“形似”后“神似”的翻译理念。欧阳利锋认为,中国文学翻译要走出去,不能自娱自乐。除了坚持 “信”和“达”两个标准,“雅”必不可少。当然,“雅”应当理解为作品的风格。自然,散文翻译读起来应该像散文,应该让外国读者“知之”、“乐之”、“好之”。



译者:欧阳利锋(1966-),广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院教授,2013年在外语教学与研究出版社出版译著《悠闲生活絮语》(Essays on Easy Life), 2019年在社会科学文献出版社出版译著《徐坤中短篇小说》(The Selected Works of Xu Kun)。2014年在《译丛》发表丰子恺的代表作《渐》的译文。2020年,又有幸在《译丛》发表梁遇春的代表作《谈流浪汉》。另有四篇散文被《译丛》接受,会在今后陆续发表。


“流浪汉既没有一定的职业,有时或者也干些流氓的勾当。但是他们整天随遇而安,倒也无忧无虑,他们过惯了放松的生活,所以就是手边有些钱,也是胡里胡涂地用光,对人们当然是很慷慨的。他们没有身家之虑,做事也就痛痛快快,并不象富人那种畏首畏尾,瞻前顾后。酒是大杯地喝下去,话是随便地顺口开河,有时也胡诌些有趣味的谎语。他们万事不关怀,天天笑呵呵,规矩的人们背后说他们没有责任心。他们与世无争,既不会桌上排着一斗黄豆,一斗黑豆,打算盘似地整天数自己的好心思和坏心思,也不会皱着眉头,弄出连环巧计来陷害人们.他们的行为是胡涂的,他们的心肠是好的。他们是大个顽皮小孩,可是也带了小孩的天真。他们脑里存了不少奇奇怪怪的幻想,满脸春风,老是笑眯眯的,一些机心也没有.... 他们和中国古代的侠客有些相像,可是他们又不像侠客那样朴刀横腰,给夸大狂迷住,一脸凶气,走遍天下专为打不平。他们对于伦理观念,没有那么死板地痴痴着。我不得已只好翻做“流浪汉”,流浪是指流浪的心情,所我所赞美的流浪汉或者同守深闺的小姐一样,终身未出乡里一步。”

A vagabond does not have a regular job and occasionally plays dirty tricks. But he takes the world as it is, and has few worries. Since he is inured to the carefree life, he carelessly squanders all the money he might come across, and is thus naturally generous to his friends. Because he has no family cares, unlike overcautious wealthy people, he acts forthrightly. When he drinks, he drinks his fill, and when he talks, he shoots his mouth off, often fabricating wild and interesting yarns. Since he cares about nothing in the world and is cheerful all day long, scrupulous people may say behind his back that he has no sense of responsibility. He bears no ill will against anybody, so he does not line up soybeans and black beans on the table to count his good or bad thoughts all day long as if ticking off beads on an abacus, nor does he knit his brows scheming to frame others. He is scatter-brained in action, but kind in heart. Adult though he is, he is like a mischievous, naïve child, but with any number of weird fantasies in his mind. He is all smiles, and harbours no tricks. … Today, we refer to whoever has this kind of mindset as a vagabond, regardless of whether he was born of nobility or has never left his hometown. He is somewhat like an ancient Chinese knight-errant, yet he doesn’t carry a sword, nor, assuming an air of arrogance or ferocity, search the land to fight for justice. He does not hold firm to rigid moral principles. As a result, I cannot but translate vagabond into liulanghan, in which liulang refers to the ‘vagrant state of mind’. So, the vagabonds I extol are those who, like damsels living in the seclusion of their boudoirs, may have never ventured out so much as a step to see the world.



A vagabond, who is happy-go-lucky all his life, often creates a happyatmosphere out of nothing, brings joy to the hearts of those he comes across,and makes them adore him for no reason at all. No wonder Alexander Smithsaid, ‘Nature makes us vagabonds, the world makes us respectable.’ On thispoint we should chant ‘back to nature’ as Jean-Jacques Rousseau did. Anyway,in an apathetic China, the spirit of vagabonds is a potent shot in the arm,a much-needed cardiac stimulant. Even if we cast aside all thoughts about ourcountry or our nation, we should still hope to live interesting lives, insteadof having all day long to humour mediocre gentlemen, neither good nor bad,neither progressive nor regressive, as we do now.

